BioEnergyPlanations Fuel For The 21st Century
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Bioenergy Plantations Pte Ltd ("BEP") is the first Singapore Company to start the cultivation of Jatropha trees in India.

For the last five years the company has established plantations with nursery and R&D centres in India, Indonesia, Cambodia and Africa. We are uniquely positioned to become a major Jatropha oil production company in the next 3 years with 100,000 hectares of Jatropha plantations.

The expertise we attained in the last three years and the financial model we have developed (with gross margin of more than 50%) uniquely positions BEP in the driver's seat for the commercial roll-out of Jatropha plantations across India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines and Africa.

Jatropha oil will become the crop of choice for the biofuel industry because it does not compete with the food supply, unlike edible oils such as palm and soy.

The Jatropha rush has begun and very few companies understand and possesses the required expertise to start commercial cultivation of Jatropha. BEP has developed and is equipped with a Jatropha Cultivation Methodology to scale and commercialize plantations management and oil production.

Our mission is to be the leader in producing non-edible energy fuels and renewable energies to inspire the sustainable world.